According to the New Testament, the Church of Jesus Christ manifests itself locally, regionally and worldwide. In other words, each local Church is in communion with other Churches around the world. We are also accountable to one another (see Ephesians 4:1-16).
The New Testament also indicates that leadership and service in each local Church are provided by a plurality of leaders (see Acts 11:30; 15:2; 20:17; Titus 1:5). Each local Church elects leaders for spiritual and doctrinal well-being (“elders”), as well as leaders for material well-being (“deacons”). In addition, local Churches come together to address issues of mission, doctrine, behaviour and mutual aid on a wider than local level (see Acts 6:1-7; 15:5-35).
In the Reformed Church of Quebec (Église réformée du Québec [ERQ]), for example, the members of each parish elect two councils to ensure the spiritual and material well-being of their local Church. At the same time, the local board responsible for spiritual well-being appoints delegates to attend the synod three times a year. This regional board makes decisions on behalf of all the local Churches of the Reformed Church of Quebec.
Church Order and Discipline of the Reformed Church of Quebec
Becoming a Pastor