Rules of association with other Churches
Adopted by the synod of the ERQ on September 13, 1997
- The Churches will help each other to develop and advance the work of the mission.
- The Churches will help each other to maintain, defend and promote the Reformed faith in doctrine, Church order, discipline and worship, to keep a watchful eye on deviations and to give encouragement wherever there are weaknesses.
- The Churches will inform each other of decisions taken by their synods, if possible by exchanging minutes, or at least by forwarding decisions which concern the respective Churches (translated texts if possible).
- The Churches shall consult each other when entering into relations with third parties.
- The Churches will mutually accept attestations or certificates from members in good standing.
- The Churches will, in principle, grant mutual access to the preaching pulpit to their pastors, in accordance with the rules adopted in the respective Churches.
- When major changes or additions are proposed to confessions, Church government or worship, the Churches will be informed in such a way as to allow as much consultation as possible before a final decision is made.
- The Churches will receive each other’s delegates to their synods and invite them to participate as far as local rules permit.