Becoming a Pastor
Process to be implemented and followed to receive a man as Minister of the Word in the Reformed Church of Quebec (Église réformée du Québec [ERQ])
Adopted on February 12, 2022
The process by which a candidate is examined up to the point of ordination must be followed to confirm whether the individual possesses the skills and qualities of a pastor:
A pastor is a man called by God, in our Lord Jesus Christ, King and Head of the Church, for the special ministry of the Word. Only those who demonstrate evidence of being competent and called to this ministry by the Lord Jesus Christ will be ordained to it.
The qualities required of a pastor consist in gifts that make him suitable for service as a teacher and leader, and in a character and reputation that will continue to honor this office.
The ministry of pastor includes the office and authority of elder. It must be evident that he possesses the necessary qualities, as mentioned in the Scriptures in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9.
Through a rigorous examination process, the synod must ensure that candidates demonstrate character traits and qualities compatible with the ministry of pastor:
- Spiritual maturity: A pastor must be mature in his faith, having absolute certainty of his own saving relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ.
- Conviction: A pastor must accept and know the doctrines and confessions of faith of the Reformed Church of Quebec. He must recognize them as very useful and based on the Word of God.
- Knowledge: A pastor must demonstrate knowledge of the Holy Scriptures, the confessions of faith, the Church Order and Discipline of the Reformed Church of Quebec, and the duties of a minister of the Word.
- Compassion: A pastor must serve with the desire to imitate Jesus Christ, who came “not to be served but to serve”.
- Personality: A pastor must demonstrate personality traits consistent with someone who seeks to draw people to Christ and His Church.
- Education: A pastor must be able to meet the academic requirements essential for ordination. He must present proof that he has earned a university degree in theology, or the equivalent, from a seminary approved by the synod.
Preparation of the pastor
To ensure that we have competent pastors qualified for the holy ministry, here is the synod’s process regarding the preparation for ordination as a minister of the Word in the Reformed Church of Quebec:
Preparation for pastoral ministry
- Competent men are encouraged to study Reformed theology in preparation for pastoral ministry.
- A man who is a member of a parish of the Reformed Church of Quebec and aspires to pastoral ministry must demonstrate a godly Christian life, attested by his local council. He must be recognized for his love of his neighbor and his God. The local council will seek to confirm that the candidate has a good reputation in all areas of life: at work (secular) and in his neighbourhood (1 Timothy 3:7), in his couple if he is married (1 Timothy 3:2), in his family (1 Timothy 4-5), in the Church. If the local council considers that the candidate really does not have the profile, qualities or maturity, it will clearly express its doubts to the candidate.
- The local council of the Church in which the student is studying must monitor his progress, guide and advise him, and help him prepare for the process of becoming a pastoral candidate, up to his ordination as a minister of the Word.
- The local council of the Church where the student is a member should, as much as possible, ensure that the student’s financial needs are met and, if necessary, submit a request for support to the ERQ synod in accordance with the ERQ financial policy.
Examination to become a pastoral candidate and receive the authorization of the synod to preach in ERQ parishes
It is in accordance with the Scriptures and in the interest of the Church that those who are to be ordained to the ministry of the Word be examined, so that this office may not be entrusted to unworthy men, and so that the Churches may have the opportunity to examine the qualities of those who are to instruct and lead them. To this end, the synod is to authorize candidates for the ministry to preach the Word as candidates for the pastorate, and, after an evaluation of their gifts and a good report from the Churches, are to be ordained to the office of minister of the Word. When a student has completed at least one full year of full-time (or equivalent part-time) theological training, including at least one homiletics course, it is possible for him to become a pastoral candidate in the ERQ and receive authorization to preach in parishes. To do this, the man interested in becoming a pastoral candidate must send the documents required to be examined as a pastoral candidate to the secretary of the synod. These documents will inform the synod of the man’s fidelity to doctrine and in his conduct. These documents will also recommend that the synod consider the individual as a pastoral candidate.
The required documents are:
- A judicial record check
- A pastoral ministry application form (see annex)
- A recommendation from the faculty of theology
- A recommendation from his local council
- A transcript of at least one year of courses completed at a faculty of theology, including at least one homiletics course.
The candidate must then undergo an oral examination in person before the synod delegates. This examination will be in French and will consist of two parts:
I - Ability to exegete an Old or New Testament text, and ability to prepare and deliver a sermon. These elements will be verified through a sermon preached in public, at the synod where the candidate will be evaluated. The sermon must be submitted in writing to the local council. The biblical text on which the candidate will preach may be imposed by the synod or left to the candidate’s free choice.
II - Oral questions about the candidate’s Christian life and doctrine, normally lasting one hour. The synod president, or a delegated synod member, is responsible for preparing the main questions to be asked on behalf of the synod about the following four topics:
- Christian faith and life, and maturity of the candidate.
- Submission to the authority of the Bible and knowledge of biblical doctrines.
- Adherence to the ERQ confessions of faith and knowledge of the contents of the Westminster Confession and the Heidelberg Catechism.
- Knowledge of the principles of Old and New Testament exegesis.
Each delegate will then have the opportunity to ask further questions.
After both parts of the examination, the synod delegates will evaluate the candidate behind closed doors. For the candidate to pass the examination, the synod must be satisfied with the sermon delivered and approve it. After the closed session, the synod will inform the candidate of its decision on whether or not to approve his candidacy, and will offer the candidate suggestions and constructive criticism.
- If the synod is satisfied with the candidate’s examination, he or she will be officially accepted as a pastoral candidate, and thereby receive authorization to preach in ERQ parishes. However, it should be noted that in order to receive help in their preparation and progress, that pastoral candidates are required to submit the text of their sermons in advance to the local council of the parish where they will be preaching. As the candidate is not ordained, he is not authorized to administer the sacraments, pronounce blessings, and vote or act as a parish delegate at a synod assembly. However, the candidate will be encouraged to attend synod meetings whenever possible.
- If the synod is not satisfied with the candidate’s candidacy, he will be recommended to continue his studies and return before the synod at a later date.
Examination for ordination to pastoral ministry
When a candidate has successfully completed his academic studies in theology, as required by the synod, he may be ordained to the pastoral ministry under the following conditions:
The candidate must forward the following documents to the synod:
- A medical assessment (fees paid by the synod)
- A judicial record check (fee paid by the synod)
- A recommendation from his local council
- A recommendation from the faculty of theology
- A diploma certifying the completion of a Master of Divinity or Bachelor of Theology degree, which conforms to the “Lignes directrices pour une formation théologique réformée” (Guidelines for Reformed Theological Education) (see annex).
- Passing an examination in biblical knowledge, supervised by his faculty of theology or a delegate of the synod (fees paid by the synod)
The candidate must have received and accepted a call from a parish. He must send a valid call letter from a parish to the synod.
The local council of the parish where the candidate is a member must testify that the candidate possesses the gifts and qualities required to be a pastor and must invite the synod to prepare an ordination examination. The ordination examination will be conducted in French. The ordination examination consists of a written examination and an oral examination, in person, before the delegates of the synod.
Questions for the written examination are prepared by the president of the synod, or a delegated synod member, and cover the following areas:
- Personal life
- Christian ethics
- Church history
- Apologetics
In addition to these questions, candidates must demonstrate their ability to exegete a biblical text and prepare a sermon. The candidate must submit a written sermon (different from the one prepared for the oral examination). The biblical text to be used may be imposed by the synod or left to the candidate’s free choice.
The president of the synod or a delegated member of the synod will evaluate the examination and provide comments and observations to the synod. The decision to accept or not the candidate’s written examination rests with the synod. If the synod deems that certain questions require further study or clarification, the candidate’s written examination will be reviewed in the second part of the oral examination.
The candidate must undergo an oral examination in person before the synod delegates. This examination consists of two parts:
I - Ability to exegete an Old or New Testament text, and ability to prepare and deliver a sermon. These elements will be verified during a sermon preached in public, at the synod assembly during which the candidate will be evaluated. The biblical text used for the sermon may be imposed by the synod or left to the candidate’s free choice.
II - An oral examination, normally lasting two hours. The president of the synod, or a delegated synod member, is responsible for preparing the main questions to be asked on behalf of the synod on the following aspects:
- A review and examination of the candidate’s faith, Christian life and spiritual growth.
- His call to, preparation for, and understanding of pastoral ministry. His skills in ministry, pastoral care, liturgy, evangelization, etc.
- His knowledge of the Scriptures and the contents of the Heidelberg Catechism and the Westminster Confession of Faith.
- Ecclesiastical order: history and principles of Reformed Church government and contents of the Ordre et Discipline Ecclésiastiques (Ecclesiastical Order and Discipline).
- A look back on the topics covered in the written exam (if necessary).
Each delegate will then have the opportunity to ask further questions.
After both parts of the examination, the synod delegates will evaluate the candidate behind closed doors. After the in camera session, the synod will inform the candidate of its decision to approve or reject his candidacy. If the synod is not satisfied with his candidacy, he will be recommended to perfect his knowledge in the problematic field and to return before the synod at a later date, or to consider another form of service in the Church.
- If the synod is satisfied with this examination, a date will be set for the candidate’s ordination and installation in the parish where he is to serve as minister of the Word.
About a candidacy from outside the ERQ
A man who is not a member of an ERQ parish and who applies for candidacy places himself under the supervision of a local council. If he has completed the appropriate training (Annex 1), he will proceed directly to the examination for candidacy to the ministry of the Word. The synod will decide whether his training is adequate and, if not, how he can supplement it, and with what resources.
Annex 1
Guidelines for reformed theological education
[note – October 5, 2021: details of this form to be determined]
Annex 2
The pastoral ministry application form
[note – October 5, 2021: details of this form to be determined]